Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Sunday 4 August 2019, Day 1, Setting off

On the train to the airport! We had the usual stress re packing. It took all morning. We also changed the sheets on the bed and washed the blue set, as we expected Laura and her friends to visit for the weekend of 9 to 13 August.

At the airport - cheers!
After a light lunch of carrot soup, we set off. It was sunny and 25 degrees C. Our 17.10 Swiss flight to Birmingham took off on time. I had  a cheese sandwich, a white wine and a yummy Swiss chocolate on board. I planned to buy a map of southwest England for the southern part of our drive - sadly I never got the chance.

We collected our hire car at Birmingham, a dark red Vauxhall Mokka. Our plan was to drive to the Derby/Nottingham Novotel, which we found easily. There was a group of Chinese students staying here too. We had a meal in the bar and watched BBC1 on TV. So far, so good!