Thursday, 22 August 2019

Monday 19 August 2019, Our last day in England this time

We had quite a good breakfast at the Travelodge in Gloucester, although the buffet wasn't quite as plentiful as the Radisson's or indeed as the Coombeshead Farm breakfast options. We also managed to finish the tricky Prize Crossword in the Guardian. So far, we have never sent one in!

Outside Gloucester cathedral - we enjoyed visiting it
Then we went on foot to revisit Gloucester city centre, in particular its cathedral. It was very impressive, on a par with Durham, dare I say? Richard went up to investigate the tower while I sat in the north transept. Then he showed me up the stairs to the area behind the altar and the nave. We had a good view looking down. The Cathedral was begun in 1089 and took 400 years to complete. It has recently been cleaned inside, and was well worth a visit. I took several photos as usual. We also visited the cloisters which have been well maintained.

An art show in the cathedral - always good to get ideas!
Afterwards, we walked back to check out of our hotel and pay for our discounted parking ticket in the multi-story car park. We set off for Birmingham Airport accompanied by Radio Three. The car's navigation system turned out to be included and useful, but we went a bit wrong on the last stage when we wanted to buy (cheap) petrol. Anyway, we managed to hand back our car to Europcar at 15.00 and went to Departures.

We hung around for ages before we could check in our bags, but found a bar where we got a drink and a light meal - I had nachos with beans I think. Our flight was a bit delayed and we arrived back in Zurich at 22.45 in pouring rain. We took a taxi home. All's well that ends well!