The real Coombeshead Farm |
We took the M5 from Taunton to Exeter and then the A30 to Launceston. Our GPS then took us down a narrow road to a stone farmhouse, unfortunately not Coombeshead. The kind farmer directed us on to the correct location.
We found our room, number 3, and had coffee downstairs from the hospitable hostess. Dan and Laura were already in residence. We handed over Laura's wedding dress for the big occasion. Phew! We met Dan's middle brother Josh and his partner Vittoria. Then Dan's parents, Peter and Denise, arrived.We were offered cheese and snacks for a late lunch.
Tam, Paul and Laura |
Me and Richard at dinner - a lovely evening, I seem to remember |
Hugh, Julie and Jess arrived the next day from St. David's.
My memory of supper that night is vague, but I think we had local mussels, crab and sea bass. They also served sangria and white wine.